Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm a Retard

I had a most brilliant idea when I got home from work today. I told Mark, "Hey, its been raining all day, and its okay now, let's take the kids to Kings Dominion." So we did! All the way down there I kept talking about what a great idea it was and that there wouldn't be lines because it had been raining earlier and how much fun the kids would have. When we pulled into the parking lot, there were hardly any cars. I said "Wow, this is such a good idea. There won't be hardly anyone in the park and we can have so much fun!" I kept patting myself on the back for my brilliant idea. Then we walked up to the gates and the sign said "The Park Closes Today at 8 pm." Did I mention it was 7:35 when we got there? So much for my great idea. We went ahead and went in because the kids couldn't understand why we just got here and had to leave. We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and walked around and then bribed the kids out of the park with a funnel cake. They seemed content and I don't think they caught on to my "brilliant idea."


Unknown said...

That sucks! Last week me and my friend Jen went to Busch Gardens, planning our whole day on the fact that the park closed at 10. About 3 hours in, we found out it closed at 8. We had fun exploring Williamsburg, but it was still a bummer.